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Located in Chile, Easter Island is not an island to use. 3,700 km from any piece of land, and isolated by the pandemic from August 2020 to the same month of 2022, the history of this place and its culture are an example of survival. Their ancestral customs were about to become extinct on several occasions, the most important being the Tapu and the Umanga. The first of them is a compendium of social limits dictated by the ancestors, and the second is a practice that takes into account the community good.


32a114 32ir00 327at011 1

3at031 13at175 13at555

14at047 14at224 161at070

161at504 16at747 178at111

19at066 19at156 19at256

19at515 1at057 1at070 1at090

1at1111 1at1224 1at136 1at152

1at216 1at285 1at304 1at311

1at478 1at485 1at506 1at511

1at746 1at785 1at993 1at995 
26at043 26at103 26at715

31at183 3at059 3at111 3at136
3at200  3at204 68at121

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